TEAM's Church Planting Blog

Category: Church Plant

By David North March 25, 2024
I’m new in this place. I don’t know anyone. Where do I begin? How do we get started when we enter a new town or city? In this blog, we will provide a few tools you may be able to use to get started in Connecting with the local people.
By David North July 4, 2023
What does a healthy house church look like? What are the elements of a healthy house church that would indicate to you that it will continue on and grow and multiply without you being present at the meetings?
By David North May 22, 2023
How will you know when your church plant is ready for you to leave? Can you prepare for that day from the beginning of the work? In our blog, “https://www.goandplant.com/having-an-exit-plan-from-the-start,” we noted that an Exit Plan, or Transition Plan, is our vision of the essential parts of the planted church that we need to see in place and functioning that will indicate to us that this church will continue to thrive without us and that our work as church planters is done. When these are present, we know that we can either transition out to a new role such as equipper and mentor, or we can move on to begin a work in a new area. Today we will look at an example of an exit plan from an urban church plant in an open country.
By David North September 29, 2022
Before we started our church plant, I said to the team, "We need to have an exit plan." They all looked at me strangely and said, "An Exit Plan? We haven't even started yet." But before we start, we need to know what it is that we are building and when our work will be done.
By David North September 1, 2022
For years as a young church planter, I longed for outside guidance and input about my efforts to plant churches. From time to time an experienced church planter would speak even just a few words into my ministry and it would give me the new thoughts and direction I needed. I also longed for practical help that would enable me to move ahead and be more effective as I faced the different phases or aspects of planting a church:
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