TEAM's Church Planting Blog


TEAM's Church Planting Blog

A place to stir your thoughts and suggest tools that will help you plant churches among the lost and make disciples who will make disciples who make disciples, spreading the church of the Lord Jesus to the ends of the earth. 

Welcome to TEAM’s Church Planting Blog. It is our prayer that through these posts you will often find “just in time” help and encouragement in the work God has given you. At the end of each blog post, you’ll have the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and share ideas with other readers in the comments section.

My prayer for you is … Hebrews 13:20-21

“Now may the God of peace … equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 

David North 

TEAM Church Planting Coordinator
To contact, em
ail me at david.north@team.org

Blog Categories

Church Plant Connecting Discipleship End Vision Evangelism Exit Plan Church Planting Movement Multiplication

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Recent Posts

Jouneying towards Christ
By David North 15 Aug, 2024
Is evangelism an event or is it a process… or both? And why does that matter?
By David North 25 Mar, 2024
I’m new in this place. I don’t know anyone. Where do I begin? How do we get started when we enter a new town or city? In this blog, we will provide a few tools you may be able to use to get started in Connecting with the local people.
By David North 31 Jan, 2024
Many discipleship Bible study methods require lots of time and work. In our busy world, it is hard for many to take the extended time sometimes required. If you need a simple, flexible, reproducible method of discipleship, here is an example you could consider.
By David North 01 Dec, 2023
As we try to build a growth track for Making and Growing and Equipping disciples, it is helpful to clarify the stages it normally takes for a person to grow from being “lost and unconnected” to becoming the mature and fruitful disciple God wants.
A Multiplication Tool - 3 Thirds Process
By David North 21 Nov, 2023
How do I build multiplication of Disciple Makers into the Process of Discipleship? How can I make it a natural part of discipleship that the new disciples will learn to pass it on to others? The 3 Thirds Process is one way to do that.
By David North 30 Oct, 2023
The right materials and methods won’t result in multiplication unless we have an intentional process designed to multiply. Learn some helpful tips on building your multiplication process.
By David North 31 Aug, 2023
Is it more important for missionaries to win souls or to equip soul winners? Is it more important to make disciples or to make disciple makers? One is addition and one is multiplication.
By David North 04 Jul, 2023
What does a healthy house church look like? What are the elements of a healthy house church that would indicate to you that it will continue on and grow and multiply without you being present at the meetings?
By David North 22 May, 2023
How will you know when your church plant is ready for you to leave? Can you prepare for that day from the beginning of the work? In our blog, “https://www.goandplant.com/having-an-exit-plan-from-the-start,” we noted that an Exit Plan, or Transition Plan, is our vision of the essential parts of the planted church that we need to see in place and functioning that will indicate to us that this church will continue to thrive without us and that our work as church planters is done. When these are present, we know that we can either transition out to a new role such as equipper and mentor, or we can move on to begin a work in a new area. Today we will look at an example of an exit plan from an urban church plant in an open country.
By David North 29 Sep, 2022
Before we started our church plant, I said to the team, "We need to have an exit plan." They all looked at me strangely and said, "An Exit Plan? We haven't even started yet." But before we start, we need to know what it is that we are building and when our work will be done.
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At A Glance

Jouneying towards Christ
By David North 15 Aug, 2024
Is evangelism an event or is it a process… or both? And why does that matter?
By David North 25 Mar, 2024
I’m new in this place. I don’t know anyone. Where do I begin? How do we get started when we enter a new town or city? In this blog, we will provide a few tools you may be able to use to get started in Connecting with the local people.
By David North 31 Jan, 2024
Many discipleship Bible study methods require lots of time and work. In our busy world, it is hard for many to take the extended time sometimes required. If you need a simple, flexible, reproducible method of discipleship, here is an example you could consider.
By David North 01 Dec, 2023
As we try to build a growth track for Making and Growing and Equipping disciples, it is helpful to clarify the stages it normally takes for a person to grow from being “lost and unconnected” to becoming the mature and fruitful disciple God wants.
A Multiplication Tool - 3 Thirds Process
By David North 21 Nov, 2023
How do I build multiplication of Disciple Makers into the Process of Discipleship? How can I make it a natural part of discipleship that the new disciples will learn to pass it on to others? The 3 Thirds Process is one way to do that.
By David North 30 Oct, 2023
The right materials and methods won’t result in multiplication unless we have an intentional process designed to multiply. Learn some helpful tips on building your multiplication process.
By David North 31 Aug, 2023
Is it more important for missionaries to win souls or to equip soul winners? Is it more important to make disciples or to make disciple makers? One is addition and one is multiplication.
By David North 04 Jul, 2023
What does a healthy house church look like? What are the elements of a healthy house church that would indicate to you that it will continue on and grow and multiply without you being present at the meetings?
By David North 22 May, 2023
How will you know when your church plant is ready for you to leave? Can you prepare for that day from the beginning of the work? In our blog, “https://www.goandplant.com/having-an-exit-plan-from-the-start,” we noted that an Exit Plan, or Transition Plan, is our vision of the essential parts of the planted church that we need to see in place and functioning that will indicate to us that this church will continue to thrive without us and that our work as church planters is done. When these are present, we know that we can either transition out to a new role such as equipper and mentor, or we can move on to begin a work in a new area. Today we will look at an example of an exit plan from an urban church plant in an open country.
By David North 29 Sep, 2022
Before we started our church plant, I said to the team, "We need to have an exit plan." They all looked at me strangely and said, "An Exit Plan? We haven't even started yet." But before we start, we need to know what it is that we are building and when our work will be done.
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